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  • What Part of “Bed Bound” Don’t You Understand?

May 24, 2023

What Part of “Bed Bound” Don’t You Understand?

I recently helped a client who was taking care of his wife at home. She was confined to her bed (“bed bound’) following a stroke. The wife’s mind was fine, but her body had failed her. The couple banked at Bank of America.  We added their daughter on as a Co-trustee so that if anything happened to the husband, the daughter as Co-trustee could pay the bills. 

The husband and daughter went to the bank to add their daughter to the accounts. The bank insisted that the wife come into the bank. After numerous conversations with them where their insistence the wife come into the bank became adamant, I helped my client move their money to a bank that sent the paperwork to the home to be signed in front of a notary. Problem solved.

Don’t wait until a stroke renders a loved one bed bound. Update your Trust now and add the Co-trustee while you can still get into the bank.

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