January 15, 2025
Let Us Help You Navigate Through This Stage Of Life
Geisler Patterson Law helps seniors plan for the future with wills, trusts, advanced directives, and other elder law services.
Watch this short, 12-minute video to discover the 3 CRITICAL THINGS YOU MUST DO IF A LOVED ONE IS DIAGNOSED WITH DEMENTIA...
Are You Facing Alzheimer's or Dementia?
Click the orange button to attend a free in-depth workshop:
3 Critical Things You MUST Do If A Loved One is Diagnosed With Dementia
California's Only Triple-Certified Caregiving Counselor
Martha Patterson, JD, CELA
Triple Certified
Martha Patterson is a California Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust and Probate Law, and Certified as an Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation. This makes her one of the top 20 Estate Planning and Elder Law Attorneys in the State of California.
She is the founder of Geisler Patterson Law and focuses on Elder Law, Asset Protection and Estate Planning. Her office is located in Orange, near her home town of Anaheim where her dad Joseph Geisler served as City Attorney from 1955 until his death in 1973.
✓California Certified Specialist in Estate Planning, Trust & Probate Law.
✓ Certified Elder Law Attorney by the National Elder Law Foundation
✓Certified Dementia Practitioner (and Trainer)
Caregiving Counselor
Caregiver to her husband and mother in-law who died from dementia and her widowed mother.
I've been in the trenches both professionally as a lawyer and caregiver, and personally when my husband was diagnosed with dementia.
I know the pressure that comes with caring for someone you love who can no longer take care of themselves, along with how to navigate the complicated maze of California law.
My family
My caregiving
My Husband
You're Not Alone
Living With Dementia
In 2025, hundreds of thousands of people will receive the shattering news of an Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis.
This new book from a recognized local expert and elder-care attorney, Martha Patterson, shares critical information and guidance for people recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.
Inside Our FREE Guide You Will Learn:
Legal Services
Premier Legal Advice For The Following Practice Areas
Elder Law
We will begin with a free strategy session that will go over ways you can protect yourself and your loved ones. We then can develop a plan that might include a will, trust, long-term care planning, advanced directives, and more.
Wills And Trusts
A will is typically the first document created for an estate plan. It will determine who will receive your assets when you pass away and must go through probate before the assets are distributed.
Medi-Cal Planning
At Geisler Patterson, we can help you transfer non-exempt assets out of your estate so you can qualify for long-term care through Medi-Cal. At the same time, your loved ones can inherit those assets when you pass away.
If your loved one is incapacitated and requires care, you can petition the court for a conservatorship. Geisler Patterson can assist with the process.
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We’ll review your situation with you and provide a quote for the services you need and only the services you need.
Advanced Directives
You likely have specific wishes regarding your health and finances and are worried about what will happen if you become incapacitated.
Advanced directives will ensure that your wishes are honored, even if you cannot make decisions for yourself. Our Orange County elder law attorney can help you create powers of attorney for healthcare and finances, along with a living will.
You will name an agent who will step in and make decisions for you if you cannot care for yourself. The person will use your living will as a guide when managing your healthcare. By having the documents in place, your family won’t have to go to court to get the right to make decisions for you.
Special Needs Trust
Helping a disabled family member can sometimes be a trying issue, as not many understand what it is you have to go through. While you do so willingly, it can be a difficult process to deal with medical insurance companies, medical expenses, and a small mountain of red tape.
Martha Patterson is a special needs trust attorney who knows what you’re going through and has experience with cases similar to yours. Just that understanding alone can mean a lot in your struggle to keep your family comfortable and safe.
Trust Administration
This is an important position of honor and trust. It shows that the trust’s creator thinks highly of you and your character.
But what happens when you become responsible for administering a trust? You might assume that because the revocable living trust avoids the costs and hassles of probate, there is not much after-death administration.
Compared to probate, there isn’t. However, tax and fiduciary laws still apply. Pitfalls still abound, and they can cost you a fortune.
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Discover how an Elder Law attorney can put your mind at ease
Medi-Cal Planning
Did you know that thousands of Americans eligible for Medi-Cal for nursing home care never even apply for benefits? Yet postponing or avoiding this process means you could be wasting thousands of dollars every year.
This is especially true if you are married and your loved one is in a skilled nursing home.
Nursing home costs will deplete your life’s savings unless you have done proper planning. Don’t let a loved one do without because you didn’t qualify for Medi-Cal to pay for the care received in a nursing home.
What Our Clients Are Saying...
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Discover how an Elder Law attorney can put your mind at ease
Frequently Asked Questions
Even if you have no will, you have a will. Your assets will go to your “heirs at law.”
Half of your separate property must be put into a separate court-supervised trust for each of your children, restricting your spouse’s ability to use the money.
100% of the assets will be distributed when your child is 18, regardless of maturity level or financial savvy.
Most people do not like the idea of the State deciding who gets their property, and the Judge deciding who will take care of their children without any input from their parents. You will want to dispose of your property in accordance with your wishes and values.
With a living trust , you, as the creator or “grantor” of the trust, maintain complete control over the trust and your property while you are alive. You may amend (change) or revoke (terminate) your trust at any time. You may sell or give away that property as well since you are not restricted in any way.
You are also able to name beneficiaries, appoint a person to be in charge (“the trustee”) and decide how your property will pass at your death, as with a will.
Probate is a Court supervised method of transferring assets. Probate is required if a decedent has more than $150,000 in his or her estate. All Wills are subject to Probate, and must be lodged with the Court.
When a person dies with a Will or without a Will, the assets must be probated to transfer title. Some assets are not subject to Probate. These assets include but are not limited to: joint tenancy property, insurance proceeds not payable to the estate, and retirement benefits not payable to the estate.
Premier Elder Law Attorneys
In Southern California
At Geisler Patterson, we have had the privilege of helping hundreds of families through some of the most difficult times of their life.
Because of the years of education and experience that Martha Patterson has acquired, her ability to explain solutions and provide peace of mind is second to none.
She will ensure that assets are preserved and loved ones will receive the care they need.
We're Here For All Of Your Family's Needs
Opening Hours
Monday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Tuesday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Wednesday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Thursday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Friday | 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
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