June 16, 2023

Thanks Dad

I wish I remembered more about my dad. He died when I was 16. He was 53 and died from lung cancer. What I do remember is the legacy he left. 

He accomplished so much in those short years. He was a Navy fighter pilot and earned two Navy Crosses and a Distinguished Flying Cross for his brave actions in the Battle of Leyte Gulf. He was City Attorney of Anaheim and wrote the contracts for the Anaheim Stadium and Convention Center. He also left me a legacy of standing for the right thing. He stood up to the community and allowed the Hells Angels to have a funeral in town. He also stood up to Disneyland and allowed a church to go into the Melodyland Theater, a memory that encourages me to stand up for right.  

My dad, like most dads, also was the breadwinner, supporting the family. When he died, my mom was emotionally devastated and financially on shaky ground. My dad, an attorney, had not planned well for “What if I die?”. The life insurance policy was smaller than it should be and because they had no Trust; my mom had to go to Probate Court. 

I hope all you dads plan better than my dad did. Take care of your wife and family. Get your affairs in order. Give me a call if you want to make sure your wife doesn’t end up in Probate Court when you are gone.

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