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  • Preventing Falls and Ensuring Safety as You Age

September 11, 2023

Preventing Falls and Ensuring Safety as You Age

As we age, a fall can be a disaster. A broken hip can lead to a hospital stay, possibly resulting in a permanent stay in a nursing home and a lifetime of pain. Fall prevention is crucial for maintaining health and residing at home.

Make sure your bathroom is equipped with grab bars and that your flooring is non-slip. In my bathroom, the tile is slippery. To mitigate this, I use a bath rug and place a bath towel in the area where the rug doesn’t cover. It’s wise to remove area rugs as they pose tripping hazards.

The best tip I’ve received so far is to work on improving balance. It’s incredibly simple: stand on one foot and then the other. Then try doing the same with your eyes closed.

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