June 7, 2023

The Cheap Trust Disaster

I watch TV a lot. It makes me feel less alone. Working, reading and studying as I watch is a habit I formed after my brother died. My mom could not handle the quiet house, so the TV was on all the time. I don’t like a quiet house either, so my TV has always kept me company. 

I see the ads for the “Affordable Trust”. I just had the first one from that company come into my office. The widow was young, and her kids were still in college. It is a disaster!!

The Trust is 8 pages. It leaves the property ½ to the spouse and ½ to the children. I just watched the ad and, on the ad, showing how “simple” it was to get your Trust done, they show the person checking that box. So now the widow and her kids are going to share his half of all their property. UGH!! 

But that is not all; I am filing a Heggstad Petition because the Trust is empty. If you have been to one of my online workshops, you have heard me explain that a Trust works like a wagon, the person in charge (trustee) can only manage the toys in the wagon (assets in the Trust). 

For many married couples this would not be an issue, but their house had been purchased by him a month before they got married and was only in his name. UGH!!! Needless to say, this family did NOT save any money. Instead, the cost of filing the Heggstad Petition is about double my fee for planning. The widow will also have her two kids on Title with her. Hopefully, they will all get along.

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