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May 10, 2024

Remembering My Mom and Her Life Lessons

My mom is in heaven now, but I think of her every day. I thank her daily for the lessons she taught me, the sacrifices she made for me and my kids, and for keeping my dad and brother’s memories alive. I’m grateful she shielded me from the tight financial situation after my dad passed and helped me attend college and law school. (Not going to college was never an option.)

She taught me the value of frugality. I still pack a lunch and eat at my desk unless there’s a good reason to go out. Home-cooked meals are best. As I now cook for one, I understand why she made dinner for my kids whenever she picked them up early—it allowed her to prepare her favorite dishes. I wish I’d appreciated that more.

Growing up during the Depression, my mom knew the value of a dollar, and she passed that on to me and my kids. I’m grateful I could establish her Trust so that the money I inherited would always benefit her grandkids and not my husband. I loved him dearly, but she wanted to ensure I would be secure, and that her legacy would reach her grandkids, rather than going to a new wife he might marry. If you’re like my mom and want to protect the inheritance you leave behind, I can help.

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