I wanted to reiterate what I sent earlier this week. We all know we should have go-bags and take steps to prepare for the worst, yet most of us are not fully prepared. In truth, I’m not sure anyone can ever be completely ready for the unexpected. During times of crisis, it’s important not to second-guess yourself or feel guilty about how you responded or prepared. We all do the best we can, and sometimes that doesn’t feel like enough.
In my work, I help people create the legal documents they need to care for their families after they pass and to protect themselves in the event of dementia or other incapacities. I know these preparations are crucial, but they are only one part of being ready for life’s challenges.
Having personally experienced loss and dementia within my own family, I know that no matter how much you plan, it’s impossible to prepare for every detail. Still, I encourage you to do what you can to ensure that the basics are in place. Having your legal affairs in order can make a big difference when life takes an unexpected turn.
If you’d like to make sure you have the legal documents you need, give me a call. Let’s take one step toward being as prepared as we can be.