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  • Preparing for an Unexpected Disaster: Tips to Stay Safe

August 23, 2023

Preparing for an Unexpected Disaster: Tips to Stay Safe

The past week was marked by fires and floods: true disasters. People in Maui had little time to prepare; they had to flee to survive, and many couldn’t flee in time.

While it’s impossible to prepare for every disaster, living in earthquake and fire-prone areas has given me some perspective. I always ensure that I have water and non-perishable food in my house and shoes by my bed.

Here are a few tips I’ve come across:

  1. Scan all your important documents, including your driver’s license, to the cloud and keep some cash easily accessible.
  2. Upload your photos to the cloud.
  3. Remember, material possessions can be replaced, but people and animals cannot. Prioritize your safety.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the escape routes from your home.
  5. Always have shoes readily available.
  6. Stock up on non-perishable food and water.
  7. Store your medicine in an easily accessible location.

Being prepared also means ensuring that your Will, Trust, Financial, and Health Care Powers of Attorney are up to date and stored in the cloud.

This way, you can easily access them when needed. If your documents are outdated, please reach out to me.

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